Wednesday 13 March 2013

Diabetic macular edema (DME)

Diabetic macular edema (DME)

Diabetic macular edema (DME) occurs when the blood vessels in the retina begin to pass diabetes to the macula, the part of the eye responsible for detailed central vision. These leaks cause macular thickening, inflammation, distorted eye slowly. Although inflammation may not lead to blindness, affecting central vision caused serious losses.
Dimethyl ether is an important reason for people with vision loss diabetic retinopathy. People with diabetes have a 10% risk of developing the disease in their lifetime. Alimera estimated that about 100 million people in the United States and developed DME about 300,000 new cases per year.
The dimethyl ether is divided into two types:
Focus macular edema caused by vascular malformations (mainly microvascular), which often escape.
Diffuse macular edema: retinal telangiectasia caused.


The current standard of care treatment laser photocoagulation for DME. Laser photocoagulation is a process in the retina, in the process, the use of laser ablation of vascular leakage or application pattern burns reduce edema. This process has undesirable side effects, including partial loss of peripheral and night vision devices. Therefore, these side effects and the desire to improve the visual effects added retina specialists laser photocoagulation treatment with no FDA approved drug, including injections of corticosteroids and anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF treatment DME) agents. These therapies are limited by the need for multiple injections to maintain a therapeutic effect.

The complications of diabetes

The complications of diabetes

As has diabetes, to make sure that the first signs of any illness, the result of the development of complications can occur, patients with diabetes are aware, is essential.

Complications of diabetes, including the various body systems and disrupt complications can occur after a lot of time scales in recent years - from the date of diagnosis of diabetes has developed.

Most complications of diabetes occur due to fluctuations in the level of glucose in the blood, in particular a very long period of time increases in blood glucose. Control levels of blood sugar and blood pressure has been shown to reduce the risk of diabetic complications.


Fungal infections such as candidiasis can be embarrassing days when to let you know, both men and women is very common, and are often easier to handle.


Diabetic retinopathy is usually only affect people with diabetes for a long period of time, and can lead to blindness - so check your eyes is vital.


Ketone may lead to a high level in the blood is known as ketoacidosis in a common complication of diabetes.

Diabetes causes the problem?

Five percent of women with diabetes, approximately 50% of men experience some types of problems or loss of libido, results of their conditions.

In men
The long-term diabetes can cause erections in the complex, which is related to nervous system damage.
This means that men with diabetes may suffer from erectile function obstacles (ED) is unable to obtain or maintain an erection. Nothing less than a third of patients with diabetes will eventually experience male ED.
Some men, only to find yourself suffering from diabetes, seek treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Once diabetic problems often disappear by adjustment of the feed, tablets or insulin injections to recover erectile capacity.

In women
Many women with diabetes may suffer from recurrent vaginitis (vaginal inflammation), this is usually due to yeast (fungus) infection. This makes sex painful. You may be itching or burning and white discharge.
Women with diabetes may also be recurrent cystitis.
Some suggested that women with diabetes and excited, can not become erect penis can not stimulate the clitoris of a woman, in the normal way.

You can make your sex life when you have diabetes?
If you feel that diabetes is the cause of your sex life, talk to your doctor.
Although some people savor their doctor to discuss sexual problems, these problems can be solved, if you seek help.
Your family doctor is trying to find out if the problems are caused by defects in the nervous system or circulatory diabetes, or if they have more psychological. Under normal circumstances, this difference is difficult.
Sexual dysfunction began to occur on a regular basis, which tends to worsen, unless carefully used, in any case inevitably create a psychological element.
The growing number of people with diabetes and ED drugs such as sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis) and valdecoxib not (Levitra) is helping.
If the test is confirmed, your nervous system has not been any damage diabetes, there is no blood circulation problem, your sex life should be no reason not to recover.
Sometimes a little help and support from your partner and doctor is all that is needed.

Living with Diabetes

Living with Diabetes
Cutaneous Complications

Diabetes can affect any part of the body, including the skin. They will have up to 33% of people suffering from skin disease caused by diabetes or affected by diabetes at some point in their lives. In fact, this problem, sometimes a first sign of diabetes. Fortunately, most skin conditions can be prevented or easily treated if caught early.

The problem is that anyone can have the skin condition, but easier for people with diabetes. These include bacterial infections, fungal infections, and itching. Other skin problems occur mainly or only people with diabetes. These measures include a class of diabetic necrobiosis lipids, skin lesions diabetic, diabetic blisters, eruptive xanthomatosis

General condition of the skin
Bacterial Infection

Several bacterial infections occur in people with diabetes:

Sty (infection of the glands of the eyelid)
Folliculitis (infection of the hair follicle)
Anthrax (deep infection of the skin and the tissue beneath)
Around the nail infection
Inflamed tissue, hot, swollen, red and painful. Several different organisms can be caused by infection, the most common is the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, also known as Staphylococcus aureus.
Once the potentially fatal bacterial infection, especially in people with diabetes. Today, death is uncommon, due to a better method of antibiotic glycemic control.

However, even today, people with diabetes more than others to bacterial infections. Doctors believe that people with diabetes can reduce the chances of infection by practicing skin care.
If you think you have a bacterial infection, see your doctor.

Deep fungal infections

The culprit of yeast infections, people with diabetes often Candida albicans. This yeast-like fungus can create moist, red areas surrounded by tiny blisters rash with itching and scale. These infections usually occur in the folds of the skin warm and moist. The problem areas under the breasts, around the nails, between fingers and toes, in the corners of the mouth, under the foreskin (in uncircumcised men), and in the armpits and groin.

Common fungal infections such as scabies, athlete's foot, ringworm (ring-shaped itchy patch), vaginal infection, causing itching.

If you think you have a yeast or fungal infection, call your doctor. You need a prescription to cure it.

Of the skin associated with diabetes
Diabetic skin disease
Diabetes can cause changes in the small blood vessels. These changes can lead to skin problems called diabetic skin.

The skin disease often looks like light brown, scaly patches. These patches may be oval or circular. Some people mistakenly believe that senile plaques. This disorder occurs most often in the front of the legs. But the legs may not be affected to the same extent. To avoid damaging the patch, open, or itching.

The dermatosis is harmless and requires no treatment.

Lipoid necrobiosis Diabeticorum
Another disease, can cause changes in the blood vessels is the necrobiotic: diabetic lipid class (NLD). NLD causes spots similar to diabetic skin lesions, but fewer, larger, and more in depth.

NLD starts usually dull, red, raised areas. After a certain period of time, it appears that some scarring bright purple border. The blood vessels under the skin are easier to see. Sometimes, the National League for Democracy itching, pain. Sometimes the dividing point.

National League for Democracy is a rare disease. Adult women are more likely to get it. As long as injuries do not open, no treatment is needed. However, if you have open wounds, consult your doctor for treatment.

Atherosclerosis is a thickening of the artery, the legs can affect the skin. People with diabetes tend to have atherosclerosis at younger ages than others.

The narrowing of the artery atherosclerosis of the blood vessels, skin changes. It is hairless, thin, cool and bright. Toes are cooled. Toenail thickening and discoloration. And exercise-induced pain in the calf muscles, because the muscles do not receive enough oxygen.

Due to a blood infection-fighting white blood cells, slow healing of the affected leg, broken skin. Even minor abrasions can cause open wounds heal slowly.

Crazy people are more likely to suffer a foot injury. This happens because people do not feel pain, heat, cold, pressure, and. People can have an injured foot, and do not know. Wound "by people out in the cold, so the infection is likely to develop atherosclerosis can make things worse. Reduced blood flow can lead to serious infections.

Allergic skin reactions can occur in response to drugs, such as insulin or diabetes pills. You should see your doctor, and if you think you have a drug reaction. Looking website, you inject insulin rash, depression or mass.

Diabetic blisters (Bullosis Diabeticorum)
In rare cases, people with diabetes outbreak of blisters. Diabetes can cause blisters the fingers, hands, feet, toes, and sometimes the back of the legs or forearms. These sores look like blisters from burns, often occurs in diabetic neuropathy. Sometimes they are great, but they are no pain, no redness around them. Your own healing, usually without scars, in about three weeks. The only treatment is to control blood sugar levels.

Eruptive xanthoma
Other conditions xanthomatosis outbreaks caused by uncontrolled diabetes. By the company's yellow pea on the skin as a larger photo. For the bump has a red halo may itch. This occurs most often in the back of the hands, feet, arms, legs and buttocks.

The disease usually occurs in type 1 diabetes in young men. Cholesterol and blood fat people tend to have a higher level. Diabetic blisters, these lumps disappear, the recovery control of diabetes.

Digital sclerosis
In some cases, the development of diabetes is closely thick skin, waxy palm of your hand. Sometimes in the toes and the skin from being thick. Finger joints become stiff, and can no longer move the way they should. In rare cases, knee, ankle, elbow stiffness.

This occurs in about one third of people with type 1 diabetes. The only treatment is to control blood sugar levels.

Disseminated granuloma annulare
In the granuloma annular diffusion, clearly defined ring person or bump on the skin District arched. Rash occurs most frequently in parts of the body away from the outside (for example, finger or ear). But sometimes occur in the trunk on the raised area. They can be red, reddish brown, or color.

Your doctor, if you get this rash. Drugs can help cure this condition.

Acanthosis nigricans
Acanthosis nigricans is a condition in which tan or brown raised area on both sides of the neck, armpits and groin. Sometimes, it can also occur in the hands, elbows and knees.

Acanthosis nigricans usually strikes are very overweight people. The best way to lose weight. Some creams can help point to look better.

National Diabetes Month

For those not familiar with diabetic patients, it may be considered to be a small obstacle rather than a life-changing disease. However, diabetes is a chronic, life-threatening disease that affects Americans across the country. This month, we participate in the diabetes community design focus problems, diabetes and those who live with every day, resources for individuals and highlights.

Diabetes affects nearly 26 million Americans, about one-quarter of the 8.3% of the U.S. population, do not know they have the disease. Unfortunately, due to diabetes mortality rates are declining, the rate of new cases has been rising. The number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes since 1980 has more than tripled, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Fighting diabetes is a huge challenge, but one can be overcome. Since 1990, six new class of type 2 diabetes drug approved by FDA, to patients and provide a powerful new tool for the treatment of conditions. America's biopharmaceutical research companies continue to progress and development to help nearly 26 million diabetics in the United States by 221 innovative drugs, according to a new report. The development of these drugs - in any clinical trials or the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) review - including 32 with type 1 diabetes, type 2 130 and 64 with diabetes-related conditions. Report potential innovative examples include:

A once-daily drug, to selectively inhibit the protein involved in glucose metabolism.
Drugs to inhibit an enzyme with diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
A drug to treat type 2 diabetes weekly dose once., May allow.
Control of diabetes and the appropriate treatment plan, including diet, exercise and medication. Provide better treatment options, this very debilitating disease drugs in the pipeline. National Diabetes Month, we hope to bring to a clearer understanding of our country is facing outbreaks and respect for all those who live in or lose his terrible diseases. Diabetes continue to bear in our society, we must continue to progress in the prevention, treatment and care.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Depression and Diabetes

What is depression?

Major depression, depression is a serious mental illness. Depression interferes with daily life and routine, and reduce the quality of your life. About 6.7% of U.S. adults aged 18 depression.1

Signs and symptoms of depression

Persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety or emptiness
Feel guilt, worthlessness or helplessness
He felt uncomfortable or uneasy
A pleasant activities or hobbies and interests, including sexual loss
Tired all the time
The lack of attention, memory details or decision
Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep state, a condition known as insomnia or sleep time
Overeating or loss of appetite
Thoughts of death and suicide or attempted suicide
Persistent pain, headaches, cramps or mitigation and treatment of digestive problems.

Depression and diabetes is the type of contact?

Research shows that may be associated with depression and diabetes, but scientists do not know yet whether depression increases the risk of diabetes or depression diabetes increases risk. The current study shows, these two situations are possible.
May increase risk of depression, diabetes can worsen depression symptoms. Manage daily pressure of diabetes and diabetes in the brain may contribute to dep ression.2, diabetes is twice that of the average person in the United States, may have depression.4
At the same time, some of the symptoms of depression can reduce the overall physical and mental health, not only increases the risk of diabetes, but diabetes symptoms worsen. For example, overeating can lead to weight gain, diabetes, a major risk factor. Feelings of fatigue or lack of value, you can ignore a special diet or drug treatment programs need to control your diabetes, your symptoms worsen diabetes. Studies have shown that people with diabetes and depression than any other person with diabetes alone.4, more severe symptoms of diabetes

How to treat depression diabetes?
Health care providers in diagnosing and treating depression. The treatment of depression, and may help control diabetes and improve your overall health. Scientists said that the treatment of depression, diabetes and depression can increase levels of mood, increases blood glucose control.5 depression recovery will take some time, but the treatment is effective.
Currently, the most common method of treating depression comprising:
A type of psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), or talk therapy, can help people to change their negative ways of thinking and behavior can lead to their own depression
Selective 5 - serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), which is an antidepressant drugs, including but not citalopram (Celexa), sertraline (Zoloft), fluoxetine (Prozac)
5 - serotonin and norepinephrine (SNRIs), which is a similar SSRI antidepressants, including venlafaxine (Effexor), duloxetine (Cymbalta).
Some antidepressants can cause weight gain side effects, and if you have diabetes, it may be the best treatment for depression. These measures include:
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
Paroxetine (Paxil), SSRI6
Mirtazapine (Remeron)

Hypoglycemia directory

Hypoglycemia directory

Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar. It is considered a symptom, not a disease. The most common case of hypoglycemia in people taking certain diabetes medicines. However, low blood sugar, may also be due to abnormal hormone levels or the sensitivity of certain hormones in the body, surgery on stomach, pancreas tumors, genetic diseases interfere with the body's ability to decompose certain food substances, such as fructose. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include trembling, hunger, dizziness, sweating. Severe hypoglycemia may faint. Meal plan or changes in medication can help treat hypoglycemia. Please click the link below to find complete coverage hypoglycermia occurrence WebMD on how, what are the symptoms, how to treat it, and more.

Diabetes Type 3

Diabetes Type 3

3 Type 2 diabetes is Alzheimer's disease, which results from insulin resistance in the brain has been proposed title.

See also: symptoms of diabetes
I found the study conducted by the research team from Brown Medical School found that the possibility of a new form of diabetes, insulin by the pancreas and brain.

Principal investigator, Dr. Suzanne Drummond, the State of Rhode Island Hospital study, in 2012, further investigation of the link.

Researchers identify insulin resistance and insulin like growth factor is an important part of the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes is characterized by blood sugar (hyperglycemia), an independent study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and published in 2012, does not include people with a history of diabetes, Alzheimer's disease can develop without the presence brain in significant hyperglycemia.

Increased risk of Alzheimer's disease

Insulin resistance, particularly those suffering from Alzheimer's disease estimated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in more than 50% and 65%.

School of Medicine researchers found that many patients with type 2 diabetes, a protein called beta amyloid protein, which is similar to deposits of protein deposits found in the brain tissue of Alzheimer's patients in his pancreas.

Further progress will be done to understand the link between diabetes, insulin resistance and Alzheimer's disease. The researchers also assessed the potential treatment of neurodegenerative disease diabetes.

The pathophysiology of diabetes

The pathophysiology of diabetes

Learning basic knowledge of the pathophysiology of diabetes depends on knowledge of glucose metabolism and insulin action. Food consumption, the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose, glucose in the intestine. Glucose is absorbed in the blood glucose levels of elevated blood. This increased blood sugar, stimulating insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells. Most cells require insulin, allowing glucose to enter. Insulin binding to specific cell receptors, promoting cell glucose, using glucose as energy. The increase in pancreatic insulin secretion at lower levels of blood glucose results in cellular glucose and subsequent use. Lowering of blood sugar, which results in secretion of insulin.

If the change of the production and secretion of insulin, disease, blood glucose kinetics will change. If the reduction of the production of insulin, glucose in the cells is suppressed, resulting in hyperglycemia. The target cells of insulin secretion from the pancreas, but not the correct, you will see the same effect. If the increased secretion of insulin, glucose levels in the blood can become too low (hypoglycaemia), large amounts of glucose into cells of tissues in the blood of small debris.

After the meal, the amount of glucose decomposition of carbohydrates often exceeds cellular glucose. Excess glucose stored as glycogen in the liver as a deposit and ready for future use. The energy required, storage of glycogen in the liver is converted to glucose by glycogenolysis, the elevated blood glucose level, and provides the energy source of the desired cell. The liver produces glucose from fat (fatty acid) and proteins (amino acids), via the process of gluconeogenesis. Glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, to improve the levels of blood sugar. Therefore, the blood glucose monitoring complex interactions between the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver.

A variety of hormones can affect blood sugar. Insulin is the blood glucose level just lower of the hormone. Counter-regulatory hormones such as glucagon, catecholamines, growth hormone, thyroid hormone, glucocorticoids increase blood glucose levels, as well as all acts of the other effects.

Diabetes mellitus type 1

The basic pathophysiologic defects of type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune islet β-cell destruction. This destruction, the person has an absolute deficiency of insulin and insulin is not in production. Is considered to be triggered by environmental events, such as viral infections autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β cells. Genetically certain predisposing factors that increase risk, such as autoimmune phenomena.

The incidence of type 1 diabetes is usually sudden. It usually occurs before the age of 30, at any age, but may be diagnostic. Most patients with type 1 diabetes with normal weight or lean body. Because patients with type 1 diabetes, the insulin-producing pancreas no longer entirely dependent on exogenous insulin injections for survival. People with type 1 diabetes are highly susceptible to diabetic ketoacidosis. Because the pancreas does not produce insulin, glucose can not enter the cell and remains in the blood. In order to meet the energy needs of the cells, lipolysis lipolysis, free glycerol and free fatty acids. The conversion of glycerol to glucose for cellular use. Fatty acid concentration is converted into a ketone-ketone, bodily fluids and to reduce the hydrogen ion concentration (pH). The download ketonuria, and accompanied by lots of water. The ketones in the accumulation of body fluids, the lower the pH, electrolyte loss, dehydration, excessive urination, and give rise to changes in bicarbonate buffer system in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Untreated DKA can lead to coma or death.

Many patients initially diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis hospitalized. Diabetes or known pressure during infection can lead to CAD. However, more often, from blood glucose daily in poor control of the outcome of diabetic ketoacidosis. Several days or longer, due to the insufficient administration of insulin or an excess of glucose uptake remains severe hyperglycemia patients are prone to develop diabetic ketoacidosis.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Diabetics approximately 90% of Americans suffer from type 2 diabetes. The incidence of type 2 diabetes is higher in African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Pacific Islanders than in Caucasians. Most type 2 diabetes are overweight, most of them were diagnosed in adults. Type 2 diabetes is a series of genetic factors than type 1 saw. Although the concordance rate between monozygotic twins with type 1 diabetes is approximately 30-50%, and the tax rate is approximately 90% of patients with type 2 diabetes. Although type 2 diabetes has a strong genetic predisposition, not a single genetic defect has been found. Besides the impact of genetic risk factors and acquired for type 2 diabetes, obesity, age and inactive lifestyle.

Type 2 diabetes does not mean basic defect pathophysiological autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β cells. In contrast, type 2 diabetes characterized in that the three obstacles by the following: (1) the outer peripheral resistance to insulin, especially in muscle cells, (2) to increase the production of glucose by the liver ( 3) changing the secretion of pancreatic insulin. Increased insulin resistance tissue usually occurs first, and optionally followed by impaired insulin secretion. Pancreas to produce insulin, but the insulin resistance to prevent inappropriate use at the cellular level. Glucose can not enter target cells, and accumulate in the blood, resulting in hyperglycemia. High blood sugar often stimulate the development and increase the production of insulin secretion by the pancreas, diabetes type 2 patients tend to have an excessive production of insulin (hyperinsulinemia). Through the years, the insulin-producing pancreas typically reduced below normal levels. Besides blood sugar in type 2 diabetes patients tend to have a group of diseases known as the syndrome of insulin resistance or syndrome X

Obesity contributes significantly to insulin resistance, even in the absence of diabetes. In fact, weight loss is the cornerstone of the treatment of obese patients with type 2 diabetes. Weight loss typically reduce insulin resistance. Obesity can also be seen in young individuals of type 2 diabetes in the last 10-20 years, the incidence has increased dramatically in the United States. Once thought to be a disease of adults, type 2 diabetes is directly related to the increase in the average weight of children and young adults, young America during this time.

Usually a slow onset of type 2 diabetes may remain undiagnosed for years. About half of people with type 2 diabetes who do not know their own disease. Unfortunately, the nature of the disease insidious to allow negative impact applied early prolonged hyperglycemia major organ systems. Many patients with type 2 diabetes is diagnosed, the complications of diabetes. Survival does not require exogenous insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes, because insulin is still produced. However, insulin injections are usually an integral part of the medical treatment of type 2 diabetes. Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, individuals are generally resistant, the CAD, the insulin your pancreas is usually sufficient to prevent the development and production of ketone bodies generated. Physiological stress can cause severe diabetic ketoacidosis in patients with type 2 diabetes. In the long term can result in severe acidosis nonketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia resulting from the excretion of large amounts of glucose, accompanied by the loss of water. If fluid is not replaced, can lead to dehydration, acidosis and electrolyte imbalance.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes occurred 4% of pregnancies in the United States. It usually occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy, and a significant increase in perinatal morbidity and mortality.11 correct diagnosis and treatment of gestational diabetes improve pregnancy outcomes. , Pathophysiology of gestational diabetes and insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Most patients with gestational diabetes return to normal glucose tolerance after delivery, but women with a history of gestational diabetes, 30-50% in 10 years, the development of type 2 diabetes.

Impaired glucose tolerance and fasting glucose
The condition known as impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and impaired fasting glucose (IFG), which represents between diabetes and metabolic status normal blood sugar. IFG increased fasting glucose levels, food intake, usually have a normal level. IGT with normal glucose tolerance, most of the time, but hyperglycemia can become large glucose load. IGT and IFG not considered clinical entity, in contrast, is a risk factor for diabetes in the future. IFG and IGT pathophysiological mainly involves endogenous insulin secretion and insulin resistance, and in most patients is normal. Approximately 30% and 40% IGT and IFG and personal development within 10 years after the onset of type 2 diabetes.

The risk of diabetic shock

The risk of diabetic shock

One of the most important things with diabetes must understand their risk of disease is diabetic shock. 1 and 2 diabetes is known that the risk of too much sugar, but a dangerously low blood levels of glucose could affect diabetes as deep. The long-range impact of those diabetes or low blood sugar insulin shock. If you can not identify or untreated, the symptoms are severe and can even cause death.

The impact of diabetes: what causes it?

The direct cause of insulin shock, diabetes, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) - especially those who are receiving insulin or other diabetes medicines. The diabetes patients with low blood sugar below 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dl), which is the blood glucose meter red. When the level of blood sugar is low, the body began to show signs of strain.

In diabetic patients, there may be many reasons may fall low blood sugar caused by insufficient insulin shock. The most common cause of these blood sugar falls skipped meals. Diabetics can suffer from low blood sugar at the same time, if you spend too

Undetected diabetes patients with low blood sugar, the blood sugar rebound can become chronic hyperglycemia morning data miscarriage of justice due to the lack of insulin in the evening, and delivery. (Source: Wikipedia)
Many diabetes medications (insulin or pills), or when they exercise over their normal work.

Diabetic shock therapy

Insulin shock therapy, the first step is to test your blood sugar. Insulin shock symptoms can mimic other diseases. If your blood sugar is below 70 or 80, and now is the time to begin treatment.

The start of the intake of carbohydrates quick action from 15 to 20 grams. This can be a fruit juice 1/2 cup or a cup of skim or 1% milk. Far from whole milk. It has too much fat, in order to achieve the best results. Instead of food, diabetic patients can take 15 to 20 grams of sugar or glucose gel label.

Once achieved, fast-acting carbohydrate, wait 15 minutes. This will at least needed that time, the force carbohydrates. Be careful not to eat more carbohydrates. Thus the excess of medication may lead to high peak in blood glucose.

15 minutes later, check your blood sugar again. If you have not been restored to normal levels and the other to take a dose of 15 to 20 grams of carbohydrates, and try again in another 15 minutes. If you still feel the symptoms of insulin shock, please check your schedule. This can be a time of food.

The impact of diabetes is a dangerous condition. However, careful supervision does not have to be. Regular monitoring of your blood sugar, medication, your life, you may be able to eliminate the risk of diabetes.

Monday 11 March 2013

The prevalence of diabetes

The prevalence of diabetes

From 1989-1990 to 2007-08, the increased prevalence of diabetes more than doubled, from 1.5 to 4.1% of Australians.

Therefore, an important indicator of diabetes?

The prevalence of diabetes (excluding gestational diabetes) the burden of diabetes in the community. This indicator compares the proportion of people with diabetes:

The general population
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander / non-indigenous
People from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and
People living in different geographical regions.
It also examines how these relationships change over time.

What is it?

The general population
In 1989-90 and 2007-08, the increased prevalence of diabetes more than doubled, from 1.5 to 4.1 percent of Australians (Figure 1).

Other populations

Between 1995 and 2007-08:

Increased incidence of diabetes, all groups (Table 1).
The cost of diabetes is very similar geographic area.
Between 2001 and 2004-05, more than three times the prevalence of diabetes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australians and non-indigenous Australians.

1. 2001 Australian standard population directly age-standardized.
2. Based on self-reported data.
3. Diabetes by Indigenous status, such as diabetes and hyperglycemia.
4. ABS NHS does not include people living in remote areas of Australia.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Patients with type 1 diabetes, it is estimated that more than 120,000 in 2007-08, ranging from approximately 87,000 (self-reported data from the National Health Survey (NHS), on the basis of) (registered on the basis of diagnosis of diabetes, the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS)).
Type 2 diabetes in 2007-08 is estimated at 718,000 (based on the diagnosis of diabetes, registered NDSS) and 788,000 (based on self-reported data from the NHS).

What is the source of the data?

There are three main sources of data:

1989-1990, 1995, 2001, 2004-05 and 2007-08 (s) of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Health Survey (NHS) Board (ABS cat 4634.0)
National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS), and
2001 ABS estimated resident population (ERP).

This indicator is how to calculate it?

Over time all the prevalence of diabetes in the most direct standard normalization Australia 2001 age population.

In these groups:

The general population
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people / non-Indians
People from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds
People living in big cities, regional and remote areas
Price comparison

Molecule: the number of people with diabetes (NHS / NDSS)
The denominator in the total population (ABS ERP).

Are there any limitations of data?

The use of self-reported data, it is estimated that the prevalence of diabetes tend to underestimate the magnitude of the problem. This is because some forms of diabetes patients with no obvious symptoms, can go undiagnosed for years.
The difference between the method of collection of survey data will affect these can be compared. Diabetes public can also change over time affect this.
Currently, some of the limitations of the data prevent comparisons between different socioeconomic groups.
Country of birth was used as a cultural and linguistic diversity of representation. This measure is not representative of the complexity of cultural diversity in Australia.


The prevalence of diabetes in the time given the number or proportion of people with diabetes. This flag is only fixed reported that he had been told by a doctor or nurse that they have diabetes. Not include women with gestational diabetes.

Country of birth have been defined on the basis of the NHS ABS, born or foreign-born in Australia. Born in Australia, including Australia Overseas Territory of Norfolk Island and Australia. Born abroad in other countries / regions, including those not represented or inadequately described.

On the basis of the defined geographical region Index accessibility / remote Australia (ARIA). These three types of indicators: "Australia's major cities, regional and outer regional Australia and remote Australia" (which is a combination of regional and remote outside Australia).

The situation of indigenous self-report.

Where I can find more information?

The AIHW 2007 years. National indicators for monitoring diabetes: diabetes indicators National Diabetes Data Review Working Group report of the Commission. Diabetes series. 6. Cats. No. CVD 38. Canberra: AIHW.

Diabetes LADA

Diabetes LADA

Diabetes latent autoimmune diabetes in adults LADA representatives
Many types of diabetes than type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. A latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA).

Some patients are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, although it showed all the typical symptoms associated with this condition. In some cases, a more accurate diagnosis. The Lada.

How different LADA 2 diabetes?

LADA patient may lack some of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. These measures may include age, obesity and the difficulty of using standard control glycemic oral hypoglycemic agents.

If these are lacking in the diagnosis, it is very likely that the patient has in LADA. Lada immunological markers typical of a common type of diabetes, but not in the early stages requires insulin.Patients lack of symptoms of ketoacidosis may also, in the early stages of LADA. However, there may be a faster development needs of LADA patients with insulin normal type 2 diabetes. Common type 1 and type 2 diabetes based on exchange LADA patients.

How Common LADA?

According to the Survey of Diabetes UK LADA found antibodies specific case, is in the 6-10% of patients with diabetes. Young patients, where the incidence is relatively common.

The LADA is how to diagnose?

Finding that have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, but patients with pancreas does not produce insulin autoantibody levels require LADA exists between certain.

GAD antibody test can measure the presence of these autoantibodies.

These antibodies can recognize LADA, also can predict the rate of progression to insulin dependent.

Some people LADA easier to do?

There are some clues, can cause clinical suspicion LADA. These measures include:

No metabolic syndrome
Although the use of oral hypoglycemic agents hyperglycemia runaway
The evidence of autoimmune disease (including Grave's disease and anemia)
Rada Patients also showed metabolic syndrome sometimes called type 1.5.

Lada complications, how?

The LADA, ketoacidosis is a complication in the long term, especially in the development of insulin-dependent.

The risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease is similar to, but if the development of this complication, blood sugar, is a stronger risk factor.

Microvascular complications such as retinopathy and neuropathy are similar to those of individuals with type 2 diabetes.

LADA how to handle?

LADA treatment must focus on controlling blood glucose to prevent any complications.

It is important to maintain as long as possible between the β-cell function LADA patient. Insulin treatment of LADA, metformin and thiazolidinediones, TZDs.

Alcohol and diabetes

Drinking can promote conditions that lead to diabetes.
Diabetes affects about 2.9 million people in the UK. This can have 85 million people have the disease but do not know (1) This is a common insulin for life happens, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the insulin is not working properly T. It is an opportunity may depend transferred to hormones, glucose from the blood cells can be used for energy if you have diabetes, your body can not use glucose, so it builds up in the blood instead of moving into their cells, the development of diabetes and its genes unequal lifestyle. example, excessive alcohol consumption, may help cause diabetes.It management conditions., however, it has not been well managed, with serious complications including heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney disease, nerve damage , amputation (2).

There are two major types of diabetes (3)
Type 1 diabetes. Development, if the body does not produce enough insulin, insulin-producing cells in the pancreas have been destroyed. Can occur:
Due to genetic factors
When a viral infection caused by an autoimmune reaction (the body starts attacking its own).
People with this type of diabetes is usually diagnosed before age 40, there is no way to stop it. This is the most common type of diabetes - only 10% of cases, the first class (4). Diabetes type 2. Development, the body can still make some insulin, but not enough, or when the body resistant to insulin. Can occur:
Overweight people and activities. Who are "apple-shaped" (a lot of fat accumulation in the abdomen) have a greater risk of type 2 diabetes
Due to the influence of genetic factors.
For people who have this type of diabetes, usually diagnosed when they are most common in men over 40 years. However, obese children and young people in the UK are diagnosed with conditions. It is especially common among people of Africa - Caribbean, Asian and Latin American countries of origin. 90% of all diabetic patients with type 2 diabetes (5).

Symptoms of diabetes include: extreme fatigue, blurred vision, feeling more thirsty than usual (6)
The main symptoms of diabetes are diagnosed:
Urinating more often than usual, especially during the night to use the bathroom
Extreme fatigue
Unexplained weight loss
Genital itching or regular episodes of thrush
The reduction and slow wound healing
Blurred vision.
Signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes usually obvious and develop very quickly, in a matter of weeks. Once the treatment and control of diabetes, symptoms disappear quickly.In 2 diabetes, signs and symptoms may not be so obvious. During the past few years to slow the progression of the disease, which can only be picked up by a routine medical examination. Patients with type 1 diabetes, the symptoms subside quickly, once in the treatment and control of diabetes.

Drinking can promote conditions that lead to diabetes
There are three ways one of the factors that can lead to excessive drinking diabetes: 1.Heavy drinking can reduce the body's sensitivity to insulin, which can lead to type 2 diabetes (7).
2.Diabetes, where the vast majority of chronic pancreatitis caused by excessive alcohol consumption is a common side effect.
3.Alcohol contains a lot of heat - a pint of beer can be the equivalent of a pizza. Therefore, alcohol can also increase the chances of obesity risk of type 2 diabetes (8).

Abstinent alcoholics and high risk diabetes same
The small amount of alcohol can provide a degree of protection to prevent the development of diabetes. Comments 15 previous studies (2005) on the relationship between diabetes and alcohol, moderate drinkers (who drank between 1 and 6 units per day) reduced third as likely to develop type 2 diabetes than any person who does not drink, I was drunk and serious. really make the body more sensitive to insulin (9) (10) from low to moderate alcohol.

The Impact of Diabetes
When a person has diabetes, stay in your own body glucose in the blood - not used as energy fuel. The body tries to rid the body of excess glucose in their urine.Patients in the development of insulin-treated diabetes abnormally low blood sugar, reduce levels of blood sugar. This is known as hypoglycemia. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include:
Abnormal behavior
Hypoglycemia is particularly dangerous when drinking, because people mistakenly think you're drunk, do not know if you need emergency medical care. Excessive drinking can also increase the risk of hypoglycemia, as it makes the liver can not make blood sugar when you do not eat 6-12 hours. For example, the increased risk of hypoglycemia, have been re asleep drinking.If morning following, the result of nerve damage, diabetes, alcohol can make it worse, increased pain, tingling, numbness and other symptoms (11).

People with diabetes are not usually given alcohol
Doctors usually recommend that patients with diabetes can drink moderate amounts of alcohol. Therefore, if you have diabetes and drinks, it is especially important to stay in government guidelines. It is also important to eat a healthy diet and exercise to help control blood sugar levels in the blood.

Destroying the myth of diabetes
You can not get diabetes. But you can control the risk factors that lead to the development of type 2 diabetes.
Eat sweets and sugar does not cause diabetes. But eating a lot of sugar and high fat foods can lead to weight gain.
The pressure will not lead to diabetes. While there may be people who already have the disease, the symptoms worse.
Accident or illness does not lead to diabetes. But can reveal diabetes, if it already exists.

Diabetes affects approximately 2.9 million people in the UK (12).
NHS is estimated that approximately 10% of adults in the UK with type 1 diabetes and 90% of type 2 (13).
Any serious disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity relations (14)
With Type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed when older than 40 years of age, and most patients with type 1 diabetes at 40 years of age (15) (16).

Lives in control
Government suggested people should not regularly drink more units daily guidelines for men 3-4 units of alcohol (equivalent to 4% of a pint of beer and a half) and 2-3 units of alcohol for women (equivalent to a 175 ml glass of wine). "Regular" drinking every day or most days of week.Here three methods may allow the water under control.

1. Good for eating.

Healthy diet, and then started drinking, drinks and snacks between can help slow the absorption of alcohol. This is especially important if you are diabetic. Alcohol lower levels of blood sugar, so eat a lot of food, and the best carbohydrates to ensure that the level of blood sugar stable

2. Keep track of what you drink.
Use our online MyDrinkaware simple and free. Note the number of units you drink, will tell you how consuming too many calories - the equivalent in Hamburg, kebabs and fried donuts. This is a great way to see the units and weight.

3. Know your strength.
The labels of alcoholic beverages is the abbreviation "ABV", which represents the amount of alcohol, or sometimes simply "VOL". This indicates that the proportion of pure alcohol beverages. This can be very different. For example, some malt beer is 3.5%, and some can be as high as 6% ABV beer. This means that a pint of strong beer can be more than three units of alcohol, so what you drink, you need to keep your eye on.

What is the blue circle?

What is the blue circle?

Common symbols of diabetes.
Diabetes The purpose of the symbol is a common identity to diabetes.
Until 2006, there is no global symbol of diabetes. Its purpose is:
Support all efforts to raise awareness about diabetes
Encourage new activities to the attention of the public about diabetes
Brand diabetes
Diabetes combat to provide a means to show support
A symbol of who owns it? International Diabetes Federation.
All rights held by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), diabetes blue circle symbol.
How I can promote a symbol? Using the same.
We encourage everyone to use the symbol of diabetes as a reference to the millions of people affected by diabetes disease.
We welcome the flags used in publishing: magazines, videos, and information network.
Symbol can not be used without permission from the IDF. You can not use:
Promote or diabetes.
As a mark of quality
For the purchase or use any other form of professional
Although the IDF has the symbol of all diabetes, IDF provides licensed merchandise sales, taking diabetes symbol-by-case basis. You can send your suggestions Licensing reasons, including:
Tissue type
Material distribution

This is a quality brand? Number
All material on this label, for diabetes, according to the criteria mentioned in this page, or approval of the Defence Force refers can not be used as a quality brand. Prohibits any direct or indirect sign of diabetes symbols provide a quality test. The Israeli army can not accept any misuse of the symbol.

What is the history of the blue circle?
The initial movement of the United Nations resolution on diabetes icons.
UN Resolution on diabetes pandemic exercise of diabetes, most around medical resources. The event mobilized diabetes stakeholders to ensure that the common cause of the United Nations resolution on diabetes ago. December 20, 2006 the United Nations adopted resolution 61/225 "World Diabetes Day".

Why a circle?
Circle nature often occurred, and therefore widely used since the dawn of humanity. Its importance is very positive. Across cultures, the circle symbolizes life and health. The most important activities, the circle symbolizes unity. Our full strength, so that sport, in particular, is the key factor. The global diabetes community come together to support the United Nations resolution on diabetes and the need to stand together to make a difference. As we all know: doing nothing is not an option.

Why blue?
Circle Border color blue reflects the sky, and the United Nations flag. Yes it is a symbol of unity between countries, the United Nations is the only organization that can signal the government is everywhere, it's time to fight diabetes and reverse the global trend that impede economic development and cause both pain and premature death.

Diabetes and stress

Diabetes and stress

Stress has been shown to impact on the levels of blood glucose

Diabetes and pressure
Diabetes Burnout
Stress and blood glucose levels
If tension is physical or mental stress, pressure incitement to demonstrate changes in glucose levels, which can be a problem for people with diabetes.

Adjust the daily treatment of diabetes, psychosocial stress and trauma of diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and high voltage.

No pressure affect my diabetes?

It is recognized that the pressure of a series of questions, such as:

Impaired mental and physical health
Social and relationship issues
Affect glycemic control [28]
Studies have shown that to be a high level of stress, fighting constantly freezing or flight response.

This will completely change the levels of blood sugar, with the passage of time, the body can not adjust the horizontal.

What is the struggle for freezing or flight response?

Freeze fight or flight response mechanism is a gradual, so that we are able to deal with the threats and pressures.

When faced with the threat, there is no clear understanding has to prepare for the shock freezing, fuel confrontation quickly fled threatened or flight.

Energy, increased blood glucose blood pressure to rise, work the muscles with fresh oxygen and the rate of release of adrenaline high surveillance and alert.

While humans have fewer physical threats facing psychological threats, such as the brain and the body is still in the same way, when the fighting behavior "pressure" to a physical threat, the freeze-flight reaction.

What causes stress?

He emphasized the pressure of daily work, completed on time, the uncertainty of the economy, maintaining social relationships, and dependent children may need to freeze any incitement same fight flight response.

Have diabetes, are under stress, no proper cleaning mechanisms to restore normal levels of blood sugar in the body after stressful events.

This will lead to self-regulate the levels of blood sugar.

If there are insufficient skills to deal with stress long-term stress-related health problems can develop.

How I can stop being stressed?

There are many ways to relieve stress.

These measures include:


Cai Yoga or feet
Listening to music
How lobbying help?

The research, including the University of Maastricht in 2000 (University of Maastricht), indicating that physical exercise can increase insulin sensitivity and to burn calories. [29]

NHS recommends 150 minutes of aerobic exercise, such as jogging or brisk walking every week.

Yoga and tai chi, is likely to be part of your exercise regimen. Others may choose to go to the gym or taking a walk, jog or run.

How meditation to relieve stress?

Meditation is an art, and become understanding of our present experience, including thoughts, emotions and feelings in the path of non-judgment and acceptance.

Mindfulness meditation courses has proven to reduce stress, anxiety and panic people who have been diagnosed with chronic stress and anxiety disorders such as seasonal affective disorder.

In particular, attention has been shown to help people with diabetes better control their blood sugar and improve the quality of life of the people involved in this study. [30]

Studies have shown that simply accept or recognize the devastating emotional, nonjudgmental way, instead of suppressing them, or attempt to change its people have proven to be a blood sugar diabetes is maintained at a relatively stable level.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is high blood sugar (diabetes), during pregnancy or diagnosed for the first time.

The reasons, the incidence and risk factors

Pregnancy hormones can block insulin to do its job. When this happens, sugar levels in the blood can increase in the blood of pregnant women.

You are at higher risk for gestational diabetes if:

During the 25 years she's pregnant

A family history of diabetes

She gave birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds, or birth defects

Have high blood pressure


There has been miscarriage or unexplained stillbirth

Are you overweight before pregnancy


Usually no symptoms or mild symptoms, no risk for pregnant women life. Blood sugar (glucose) levels usually return to normal after delivery.

Symptoms may include:

Blurred vision


Frequent infections including bladder, vagina, skin

Increased thirst

Increased urination

Nausea and vomiting

Despite the increased appetite for weight loss

Signs and tests

Throughout pregnancy, gestational diabetes usually start in the middle. Among screen all pregnant women should receive the first 24 weeks of gestation and 28 weeks of oral conditions glucose tolerance test. Risk factors for gestational diabetes, women can have this test before pregnancy.

Once you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, you can see how well you are doing at home to check your levels of blood sugar. The most commonly used methods include tingling fingers, his blood in a machine, this decline will give a glucose reading.


The goal of treatment is to keep blood sugar (glucose) levels within the normal range during pregnancy to ensure the baby is healthy and growing.

Watch your baby

Your doctor should check carefully to you and your baby during pregnancy. Fetal monitoring checks the size and health of the fetus.

A load test is simple and painless for you and your baby.

A machine, listening to baby's heartbeat (electronic fetal monitor), and the screen is placed in your belly.

Your health care provider can compare changes in the heartbeat pattern of your baby, and find out if the baby is fine.

Diet and Exercise

Improve your eating habits, the best way is to eat a variety of healthy foods. You should learn to read food labels and check their food choices. If you are a vegetarian special diet or otherwise, check with your doctor or dietitian.

Normally, when you have gestational diabetes diet should:

Protein and moderate fat

Foods high in carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates (like bread, cereal, pasta and rice)

Low food high in sugar, such as soft drinks, fruit juices, pastries

If your diet does not control blood sugar (glucose), it is possible that prescription drugs for diabetes by mouth or insulin treatment.

Most women with gestational diabetes will not need diabetes medications or insulin, but some people will.

Expected (expected)

Most women with gestational diabetes can control their blood sugar, to prevent damage to themselves or their children.

Pregnant women with gestational diabetes tend to have larger babies at birth. This may increase the probability that the time of delivery problems, including:

Birth injury (trauma), due to the large size of the baby

Cesarean Birth

Your baby is more likely to have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) during the first days of life.

Mother of gestational diabetes increases the risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Just as the baby's mother was dying of risk untreated gestational diabetes increases. Controls sugar levels in the blood to reduce this risk.

High blood sugar (glucose) levels returned to normal after delivery. However, women with gestational diabetes should pay close attention after giving birth, in a sign of diabetes, doctor appointments normal screen. Many women with gestational diabetes develop diabetes in the 5 to 10 years after delivery.

Call your health care provider

If you are pregnant, you have diabetes symptoms, call your health care.


Start prenatal exams early and regular prenatal care, help improve your health and the health of your baby. There are 24 to 28 weeks of gestational diabetes screening, prenatal pregnancy for early detection.

If you are overweight, your body mass index (BMI) was reduced to the normal range before pregnancy will reduce the risk of developing gestational diabetes.

Diabetes insipidus

Diabetes insipidus

What is diabetes insipidus?
What is the reason for this?
How is it diagnosed?
Where I can get more information?

Q: What is diabetes insipidus?

The role of pituitary diabetes insipidus (after sheet beneath the brain) problems caused by hormone vasopressin, also known as PVA, or the AVP is not effective functioning of the kidneys. This means an increase in the body to produce large amounts of urine because the kidneys are unable to retain water.

, Diabetes insipidus, diabetes-related difference is that, if left untreated, any of the conditions of patients may experience symptoms of excessive thirst and frequent urination require. In diabetes insipidus and glucose or insulin levels in the blood, there is no problem.

Q: What is the reason?

Diabetes insipidus is more common than diabetes. In many cases, there is no obvious cause can pituitary AVP (sometimes also known as antidiuretic hormone ADH). Can result in inflammation or infection of others around the pituitary gland, or the loss of the secretion of AVP head injuries. Operation can also lead to pituitary diabetes insipidus, but in the case of head injuries, which are often temporary.

Q: How is it diagnosed?

There are several tests that can diagnose diabetes insipidus. The first is a water deprivation test over 6-8 hours, to see if urine volume is reduced. The next stage is injected with a small amount of AVP, which shows how a hormone response and kidney.

Treatment is generally tasteless substances or-AVP AVP, for example, is free patient administered in the form of injection, nasal drops, a nasal spray or tablets normal urinary demopressin return (DDAVP). Treatment is usually for life, and in many cases may require hospital outpatients.

Although diabetes insipidus and diabetes are independent conditions, few diabetic patients may also develop diabetes insipidus. It must be emphasized that this is very rare.

Q: Where I can get more information?

Diabetes UK is the largest charity in the world dedicated to the treatment and care of diabetes. A similar organization for those with diabetes insipidus called pituitary Foundation - The Foundation is a national pituitary adenoma patients, their families, friends and caregivers for support, information and advocacy organization.

Diabetes and hypertension

Diabetes and hypertension

Increased incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes, according to forecasts, $ 1.71 billion in the 1, 2, the total number of people with diabetes rose to $ 366 million in 2000-2030. The number of adults with hypertension is expected to increase by 60% by 2025, a total of 1.56 million people. Hypertension affects about 70% of patients with diabetes is twice the coexistence of different ethnic, racial and social without.3 those people with diabetes, the prevalence of hypertension and diabetes in the same. Hypertension in diabetic patients, most importantly, result in a significant increase in the population at risk of vascular complications, and together these two conditions are predisposed to chronic renal disease and 5 overlap between blood pressure and diabetes, Essentially, the increase in ischemic cerebrovascular disease, the risk of sexual dysfunction.6 retinopathy and diabetes is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease, a significant increase in the risk of hypertension exists.
Diabetic nephropathy is the most common cause of diabetes, high blood pressure in patients with type 1 diabetes. Patients with type 2 diabetes can develop hypertension renal disease, usually without renal dysfunction, often with central obesity. Insulin resistance and diabetes can induce hypertension by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system and the renin - angiotensin system, promote sodium retention. Increased diabetes associated with the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells. Blood sugar and high blood pressure, damage to vascular endothelial cells, resulting in increased oxidative stress. Diabetic patients have increased vascular reactivity.
The issue of diabetes and hypertension, the theme is the importance of a free online network collection has been compiled ...
Hypertension and diabetes should be early diagnosis, aggressive treatment to prevent microvascular and macrovascular disease and morbidity mortality.7-11 UK Prospective Diabetes Study showed that controlling blood pressure helps prevent cardiovascular patients with type 2 diabetes: 12.13 each 12% reduction in risk, 15% reduction in diabetes-related deaths, a 11% reduction in myocardial infarction, a decrease of 13%, the microvascular complications diabetes and its complications mean systolic blood pressure fell by 10 mm Hg. The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation study showed that inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme in patients with type 2 diabetes, reduce the risk of vascular complications.14 drug treatment in the management of these patients, but the important part of the Changes in lifestyle and weight, to reduce blood glucose and blood pressure control.
Specific subsets, can cause high blood pressure and diabetes risk. The risk of diabetes and high blood pressure in pregnant women with preeclampsia. Type 1 diabetes and hypertension, the disease of children are particularly vulnerable organ. Children increased incidence of type 2 diabetes is a concern, because the risk factors for cardiovascular disease in early life can cause atherosclerosis accelerated aging.
In addition to substantial health care costs in clinical care, quality of life and public health, diabetes and high blood pressure have a significant impact. Convincing evidence connected to the association and interaction of these diseases and pathological conditions, suggesting that the clinical understanding. The important issue is the issue of collection of diabetes and hypertension in a free online website has been compiled, Nature Publishing Group, published articles. This supplemental information in the form of a list of references cited in this article in the journal Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology and Metabolism website.

Pregnancy and gestational diabetes

Pregnancy and gestational diabetes

All pregnant women should be screened for gestational diabetes during pregnancy. History of women, have to check some of the risk factors, or the oral glucose tolerance test screening, detection may be passed.

What is the test of oral glucose tolerance test for gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes test oral glucose tolerance used for detection. Gestational diabetes is a special type of diabetes, can develop some of the women in late pregnancy (usually 24 weeks). Women who did not have diabetes before pregnancy who developed this complication.

When the oral proceedings glucose tolerance test for gestational diabetes?

Proof of between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. If you have gestational diabetes before, or if your doctor or health care professional are concerned about the risk of developing gestational diabetes, the test may be 13 weeks pregnant.

During testing of oral glucose tolerance, what happened?

The test oral glucose tolerance soon drink sugary liquid (called Glucola), containing 50 grams of glucose. The rapid absorption of glucose in the body, make blood sugar levels rise for 30-60 minutes. From venous blood samples arm to be taken about 60 minutes after drinking the solution. The blood test to measure how metabolism (processing) by the body of the glucose solution.

The test results of oral glucose tolerance is what does that mean?

Type A blood glucose level of 140mg/dl identify the 80% of women with gestational diabetes. When cutting is reduced to 130mg/dL, identification is increased to 90%. If your levels of blood glucose greater than 130 mg / l, your healthcare provider may recommend taking another test for diabetes, you need to fast (not eat anything) before the test. In the second test, 100 g oral glucose tolerance, blood sugar level test 4 times within three hours after drinking cola. If two blood tests are abnormal, you are considered to have gestational diabetes.

Control strategy brittle diabetes.

Control strategy brittle diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is an inherently unstable situation. However, long-term "brittle diabetes" reserves the instability of these cases, regardless of the cause, the result of the destruction of life and duration often recurrent and / or extended hospitalization. Affect three thousandths of patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, especially young women. Its poor prognosis patients with poor quality of life, more microvascular and pregnancy complications, shorten life. There are three ways: recurrent diabetic ketoacidosis, how great instability hypoglycemic and mixed. Fragility causes malabsorption include, certain drugs (such as alcohol, antipsychotics) defective insulin absorption or degradation of hyperglycemia glucocorticoid hormones, especially glucagon and defects, while the most important result of gastric emptying the autonomic neuropathy. The social and psychological factors are very important and human frailty can lead to self-sustaining conditions. Valuation changes of labile diabetes should quantify the level of blood sugar. In order to quantify the instability have been developed, including the maximum average amplitude glycemic excursions (MAGE), mean daily difference (MODD), the instability index (LI), low glycemic index (LBGI), Clark's achievements Hyposcore and continuous glucose monitoring. Psychological problems have been ruled out, treatment strategies need to manage potential organic causes brittle as long as possible, followed by the use of analogs of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion and multiple injections, and consider the optimization of insulin therapy standard. The alternative method is the most severely affected patients still needed. Transplantation of isolated islets (IIT), recovery of the induction of glucose, hypoglycemia should consider the case of unconsciousness and / or unstable, especially if the body mass index <25, but patients with immunosuppression current program treatment must have normal renal function, it is best not intend to become pregnant. Implantable pump has an advantage, or weighing more than 80 kg or patients with hepatic or renal dysfunction, or very sensitive.

Friday 8 March 2013

MODY diabetes

MODY diabetes

MODY is a juvenile diabetes maturity onset of acronyms
Diabetes in a variety of ways, one of which is a mature young or MODY-onset diabetes. This type of diabetes is more likely than other types of diabetes, due to strong inherited genetic risk factors.

, MODY sometimes compared with type 2 diabetes, and to share some of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. However, MODY associated with obesity, and the typical MODY patients is still young, not necessarily overweight.

MODY Diabetes What is it?

Solo home diabetes two percent of people with diabetes, and can often go unnoticed in its early stages.

This is a form of diabetes, up to 25 patients prior to development.

Also runs in the family, and may be from one generation to the next. MODY not necessarily require insulin treatment.

The inherited MODY Why is it so easy?

MODY single gene changes caused parents directly affected have a 50% chance of inheriting the gene, so that the development of their children MODY.

Why different from other strains of MODY diabetes, and why is it important?

Know and understand MODY, including different forms of MODY (6 species has been determined), means you can be in the most appropriate way to treat those affected.

Recommendations can also be provided on the progress of the disease, complications can be expected. In addition, it is recommended that other family members may inherit the disease risk.

Is there a difference?

The most common type of MODY the HNF1 α. This accounts for 70% of MODY.

The amount of insulin produced by the pancreas is less development people grow old, MODY in the teens or twenties.


Each kidney is made of hundreds of thousands of small units called nephrons. These structures filter blood and help eliminate waste from the body.

In people with diabetes, the nephrons slowly thicken and heal over time.

The kidneys begin to leak and protein (albumin) into the urine.
This damage can occur years before symptoms begin.
The exact cause is unknown. However, renal damage is more likely if there is poor control of diabetes and high blood pressure.
In some cases, family history may also play a role. Not all people with diabetes develop kidney problem.

People with diabetes who smoke and those with type 1 diabetes that began before age 20 are at increased risk of kidney problems.

People of Indian origin African Americans, Hispanics and Americans are also more likely to have kidney damage.

Often there are no symptoms and kidney damage starts and slowly worsens. Kidney damage may begin 5 to 10 years before symptoms begin.

People with more severe and prolonged (chronic) kidney disease may have symptoms such as:

More often fatigue
General ill feeling
Nausea and vomiting
Lack of appetite
Leg swelling
Signs and tests
Your doctor may order tests to detect signs of kidney problems in the early stages. Once a year, you should have a urine test. It looks for a protein called albumin in the urine escapes.

Excessive leakage of this protein is often a sign of kidney damage.
Because the test looks small amounts of albumin, sometimes called a test for microalbuminuria.
High blood pressure often goes hand in hand with diabetic nephropathy. You can have high blood pressure, which begins quickly or is difficult to control.

Your doctor will also check your kidneys with the following blood tests every year:

Serum creatinine
A kidney biopsy confirms the diagnosis. A biopsy is performed only if there is any doubt about the diagnosis.

When kidney damage is detected in its early stages, can be slowed with treatment. Once again large quantities of protein appears in the urine, kidney damage slowly get worse.

Keeping your blood pressure under control (below 130/80) is one of the best ways to slow kidney damage.

Your doctor can prescribe medication to lower blood pressure and protect the kidneys from further damage. Often, the best types of medicine are used ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs).
Even if your blood pressure is normal, these drugs help slow kidney damage.
Eating a low fat diet, taking medications to control blood cholesterol, and regular exercise can also help prevent or delay kidney damage.

You can also delay kidney damage by regulating sugar levels in the blood, which can be done by:

Eating a healthy diet
Regularly taking insulin or other medications prescribed by your doctor
Learn the basic steps to manage their levels of blood sugar at home
Checking sugar levels in the blood and maintain a record of
To protect your kidneys, remember the following:

Tell your doctor about your diabetes before undergoing an MRI exam, CT scan, or otherwise is received in the dye. These dyes can further damage the kidneys.
Always talk to your doctor before taking pain NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen. They can damage the kidneys.
Know the symptoms of urinary tract infections and treated immediately.
To treat chronic kidney disease, you need to make changes in your diet, and treat problems caused by kidney disease.

Expectations (prognosis)
Diabetic kidney disease is a major cause of illness and death in people with diabetes. It can lead to the need for dialysis or a kidney transplant.

When to Contact a Medical Professional
Call your doctor if you have diabetes and have not had a routine urinalysis to detect proteins.

Alternative Names
Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease, glomerulosclerosis, diabetic nephropathy - diabetic nephropathy

In diabetic amyotrophy

In diabetic amyotrophy - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Diabetic Muscle atrophy is a condition in which patients had lower limb weakness, pain in. The amyopathy diabetes usually occurs in older patients with diabetes, but can also occur in young diabetic patients.

Approximately 1% of all people who have diabetes, diabetic muscle atrophy.

Bruns - Garland syndrome is also sometimes known as diabetic amyotrophy.

Reasons for diabetics amyopathy
Muscle atrophy caused by diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is the consequences of diabetes, abnormal nerve in the human body. In addition, patients with diabetes, decreasing blood flow to the legs, which leads to a lack of nutrition necessary for proper operation of the legs. This highlights amyopathy diabetes.

Symptoms of diabetes amyopathy
Muscular atrophy, which means that the thigh muscle mass is reduced, and the legs and buttocks
Pain in the thighs, legs and buttocks
The weakness in the legs
In the reflection of the knee
Some type of spinal cord injury can occur. The high fluid level can be seen celebrospinal.
Under normal circumstances, the pain and weakness of the legs is asymmetrical, ie the two legs of the conditions may not necessarily be the same. Most of the time, only on the side of the physical symptoms appear.

The diagnosis of diabetic amyotrophy
The electrical test is useful in diagnosis of diabetes, muscle atrophy. Nerve conduction and EMG is used to rule out other conditions and diagnose diabetes muscular atrophy.

Treatment of diabetic amyotrophy
Muscle atrophy, diabetes is reversible. This can take a variety of measures.

Control your blood sugar is the most important part of the treatment of diabetic amyotrophy.
Proper diet, drugs, exercise, good mental health and avoiding harmful habits, such as drinking, smoking and other forms of life, part of diabetes management.
Physical therapy to restore the nerve of the leg, is very useful. Physiotherapy bring the feeling of the legs.
The drug helps alleviate pain in diabetic muscle atrophy.

The diagnosis of diabetic gastroparesis

Diabetic gastroparesis, and other stomach problems

Gastroparesis (delayed gastric emptying) digestive problems associated with diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the most common gastroparesis, however, can also occur in type 2 diabetes. Most people at least 10 years from the onset of diabetes and other complications of diabetes as well. Gastroparesis, stomach is not empty of food in a normal way.

Diabetic Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis by fans nerves regulate the digestive system, so that the damage of muscle function. Diabetes is caused gastroparesis, representing about one third of the cases. The vagus nerve injury to maintain the normal functioning of the muscles of the stomach and intestines. Gastroparesis, food in your stomach, because you do not have to deal with pump and through the intestinal tract.

Other causes of gastroparesis include:

Abdominal surgery and vagus nerve injury
Drugs such as narcotics and some antidepressants
Change in the tissues and organs of amyloid protein fibers (deposits), which affects the skin, blood vessels, bones, muscles and internal organs, connective tissue disease, scleroderma ()

Diabetic gastroparesis symptoms

With diabetes symptoms of gastroparesis include:

Heartburn or reflux (back in the contents of the stomach, esophagus)
Vomiting of undigested food
Poor glycemic control
Complete sense to eat quickly
Loss of appetite and weight loss

The complications of diabetic gastroparesis

If you have diabetes, gastroparesis, you should be aware of the following complications:

It may kill the feed remains in the stomach for a long period of time, which can lead to bacterial growth.
The food in the stomach hardened into a lump called a bezoar. The bezoars can cause blockages in the stomach to prevent the food moves into the small intestine.
Gastroparesis people with diabetes, can lead to health problems. When finally the food leaves the stomach and the small intestine, glucose levels rise. Gastroparesis can cause a person with diabetes is difficult to control their blood glucose levels consistent.
In severe cases, vomiting may occur daily.

The diagnosis of diabetic gastroparesis

If you have diabetes, doctors suspected gastroparesis, him or her about your symptoms and medical history with you. The doctor will perform a physical exam and may order blood tests, including blood glucose levels. Your doctor will want to make sure the lock is not the cause of your symptoms. The test for the diagnosis of gastroparesis may include:

The prospect of Barium drink the liquid (barium), including the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and X-ray. This test also known as the gastrointestinal (GI) series or barium swallow.
The steak dinner Barium you eat a meal, doctors use X-rays to see if your stomach to digest food. The digestion rate is tell your doctor how fast on an empty stomach.
Radioisotope gastric emptying scan: the food you eat, a radioisotope (radioactive materials), and then extends the scanning machine detected radiation. If the analysis shows that more than half of the food is 1.5 hours, even on your stomach, you have gastroparesis.
Gastric manometry: a thin tube through the mouth into the stomach measures the electrical activity of the stomach muscle, in order to determine how fast to digest food.
EGG: This test measures the electrical activity through electrodes placed on the skin in the stomach.
Ultrasound: This imaging test uses sound waves to create pictures of the different organs of the body. Your doctor may use ultrasound to rule out other diseases.
Gastroscopy: through your esophagus, this process involves the lining of the stomach through a thin tube (endoscope) to check.

Halle Berry diabetes

Halle Berry diabetes:

Is there a cure for type 1 diabetes? Halle Berry writes a cure for diabetes. Halle Berry diagonosed with diabetes in 1989. In 2005, he said, was cured of diabetes type 1. Halle Berry is no longer needed insulin because she changed her eating habits. You now have type 2 diabetes. However, this is really possible?

Halle Berry Diabetes

Halle Berry type 1 diabetes treatment raises many questions. According to the medical profession with type 1 diabetes can not be cured. A healthy diet can help control diabetes type 1, but does not regenerate the pancreas to produce insulin.

For this reason, many experts believe, Halle Berry disgnosis type 1 diabetes must be incorrect.

But what's worse? Theory and empirical evidence? More and more people are claiming to have a cure for type 1 diabetes through diet. Here is my blog article, a woman of 40 years who has been watching the raw vegan diet, many people believe that 801,010 is a treatment for type 1 diabetes. Halle Berry requirements of diabetes treatment is true?

I mean, yes, because we see that the empirical evidence. Halle Berry not know diabetes diet is a raw vegan 801 010 can lead to the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Such a diet can begin production of insulin by the pancreas.


Many "miracle" is possible, if we live in the way of nature, we designed this thing. Many experts, including Dr. Douglas Graham, the state, are not designed for cooked foods. This is not to accept this in our lives today, but if you look at this, you will be surprised to discover that it can become a healthier society.