Tuesday, 26 February 2013

What Is Diabetes? What Causes Diabetes?

Diabetes, often referred to as a doctor, describes a group of metabolic diseases of diabetes, wherein the individual has high levels of glucose (sugar), either because the yield of insulin is insufficient, or does not respond to the correct insulin due to body cells or in pairs. Patients with blood sugar usually appear in the urine (urinary frequency), will become more and thirst (polydipsia), hunger (polydipsia, food).

There are three types of diabetes:

1) Type 1 diabetes

The body does not produce insulin. Some may refer to this type of insulin-dependent diabetes, juvenile diabetes or early onset. Usually, people develop their first 40 years, type 1 diabetes is usually an adult or adolescent.

Type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is much less common. Approximately 10% of patients with type 1 diabetes.

Their lives, the rest of the patients with type 1 diabetes require insulin injections. By performing regular blood tests, a special diet, they should also ensure adequate levels of blood sugar.

From 2001 to 2009, between type 1 diabetes in the United States under 20 years the prevalence increased by 23%, according to data search Diabetes Control and Prevention announced (CDC). (Link) Article

2) type 2 diabetes mellitus

The body can not produce enough insulin, normal function, or body cells do not respond to insulin (insulin resistance).

Approximately 90% of all diabetes cases world are of this type.

Some people can lose weight, healthy diet, do a lot of sport, and to control their levels of blood sugar, and be able to control the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. However, in patients with type 2 diabetes is usually a progressive disease - to be getting worse - the patient may take insulin, usually in tablet form.

People who are overweight and obese have a development of a healthy weight compared with the risk of type 2 diabetes is much higher. A large amount of visceral fat, also known as central obesity, abdominal fat, or abdominal obesity, is particularly dangerous. Overweight / obesity can cause the body to release chemicals that can damage the cardiovascular and metabolic systems of the body.

The risk of type 2 diabetes, as we age. Experts do not become fully know why, but said we age, we tend to gain weight and less physical activity. , Close relatives of the Middle East, Africa, South Asia / type 2 diabetes, the greater the risk of developing the disease.

Men with low testosterone levels have been found to have an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. , Scotland, Edinburgh University researchers say that low testosterone levels and insulin resistance. (Link) Article

The measurement of blood glucose level

3) gestational diabetes

This guy is going to affect women during pregnancy. Some women have a very high level of glucose in your blood and your body does not produce enough insulin to transfer glucose into cells, resulting in the gradual increase in the levels of blood sugar.

The diagnosis of gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

Most patients with gestational diabetes can control their diabetes with exercise and eating habits. 10-20% of people will have to take some kind of drug control blood sugar. Diagnosed or uncontrolled gestational diabetes can increase the risk of complications during childbirth. The baby may be more than what he / she should be higher.

U.S. scientists National Institutes of Health and Harvard University found that women before pregnancy diet high in animal fat and cholesterol have a higher risk of gestational diabetes than their counterparts with low-cholesterol and animal fat. (Link) Article

What is pre-diabetes?

The vast majority of type 2 diabetes in patients with prediabetes initially. Their levels of blood glucose higher than normal but not high enough, the value of the diagnosis of diabetes. The cells in insulin resistance in vivo.

Some studies have shown that even in the stage of pre-diabetes, circulatory system and heart damage may have occurred.
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder

Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is classified as a metabolic disorder. Metabolism is the digestion of food growth, and economic energy of our body. Most of what we eat is broken down into glucose. Glucose is a form of sugar in the blood - this is the main source of fuel for our body.

When food is digested, the glucose in the blood. Our cells use glucose for energy and growth. However, glucose can not enter cells without insulin - Insulin allows glucose into cells.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. After eating, the pancreas automatically releases enough insulin to glucose in the blood into the cells as soon as glucose into the cells of sugar in the blood decreases.

The amount of glucose in the blood of diabetics is a condition that is too high (blood sugar). This is because the body can not produce enough insulin, produces no insulin, or the pancreas does not respond properly to insulin-producing cells. This will lead to the creation of excess glucose in the blood. This excess blood glucose eventually leave the body in urine. Therefore, even though a lot of glucose in the blood, the cells get their energy not important and growing needs.

How to know if you have diabetes, pre-diabetes or none

The doctor can determine if the patient has three different forms in normal metabolism, pre-diabetes or diabetes - there are three possible tests:
A1C Test
- At least 6.5% of diabetes device
- 5.7% and 5.99%, is the pre-diabetes
- Less than 5.7% indicates normal

GPA (FPG) test
- At least 126 mg / dl, which means diabetes
- 100 mg / dl and 125.99 mg / dl is the pre-diabetes
- Do not exceed 100 mg / dl indicates normal
An abnormal reading, FPG, means that patients with impaired fasting glucose (IFG)

OGTT (oral tolerance test glucose)
- At least 200 mg / dL mean diabetes
Prediabetes means - to 140 and 199.9 mg / dl
- No more than 140 mg / dl indicates normal
A reading abnormal OGTT means that patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)
Why diabetes is called?

Greece diabetes, refers to the "siphon". Aretus Cappadocia in the second century AD, the Greek physician named diabainein conditions. Describes a patient after too much water (urine) - a siphon. The word "diabetes" become English adoption of the Medieval Latin diabetes.

In 1675, Thomas Willis added the terminology of diabetes, but usually referred to simply as diabetes. Mel in Latin means "dear", the excess glucose in the urine and blood of people with diabetes, and glucose is sweet like honey. Diabetes can literally mean "the diversion of fresh water."

In ancient China, people observed that ants will be attracted to the urine of some people, because it is sweet. The word "sweet urine disease" is created.
Diabetes Control - the treatment is effective, it is important

All types of diabetes can be cured. Type 1 diabetes last a lifetime, there is no known cure. Type 2 usually lasts a lifetime, however, some people manage, through a lot of exercise, diet and good weight control, to get rid of their symptoms without medication and more.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, found that gastric bypass surgery can reverse type 2 diabetes in a high proportion of patients. Disease recurrence within three to five years, about 21%, they added. YESSICA, MD, Ramos said: "The recurrence rate is mainly affected by a long history of type 2 diabetes before surgery This suggests that early surgical intervention in obese diabetic patients will increase the durability of remission of type 2 diabetes.". (Link) Article

Insulin injections on a regular basis, as well as a special diet and exercise for treatment of patients with type 1 diabetes.

With Type 2 diabetes usually movies, sports and special dietary habits, but sometimes also need insulin injections.

They have a significantly increased risk of diabetes complications are filled with control patients.

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